AWESOME app! Photorealistic and sumptuous!
I used to raise aquarium fish; seeing angelfish, the Kribensis, harlequins, and neon tetras are really fantastic to see.
The effort put into the fish alone makes this worth the price (sale or otherwise).
Having stared at the screen for a while, noting the dozen neon tetras often schooling together also shows a level of accuracy I genuinely appreciate. The angel fish swim in their own directions... very relaxing.
I would like to offer one small suggestion or two: More fish as a maximum, and if the fish could make baby fish (I used to breed angels and it was great fun to do)?
iPad support would obviously be the ultimate gift...
Id even pay again for those suggestions. $1.98 (net cost, I did buy the upgrade and the main app was on sale) is too low for this app. Good work really should be rewarded as it reflects well on the developer and it definitely makes Apple look better as well. As a programmer, I know this stuff is very complex to make.
dpcole72 about
Tropical Aquarium